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Women in Entreprenurship

Women in Entreprenurship


Over 150 people showed up to support women in business last Thursday! Almost 60 women filled out forms referring themselves or friends for our upcoming program — Passenger to Pilot: Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Central New York.

Our speakers: Samantha Abrams, of Emmy’s Organics; Heather Lane, of Purity Ice Cream; and Ariana Blossom, of Blossom Coaching LLC, spoke about their personal challenges in business. Samantha joked about making macaroons in a family member’s basement. Heather spoke about the necessity of having grit even when you’re afraid. Ariana shared her experience of “starting before you’re ready.” All three women made it clear that jumping in, taking risks, and a willingness to learn were key to building a successful business.

Anyone running a business knows that managing everything: marketing, sales, accounting, client acquisition, product distribution, and so much more is a huge undertaking. Many business owners find themselves trapped between not making enough money to hire an employee and not enough time to get everything done in a day to keep their doors open. Challenges like these lead to burnout, lost opportunities, and decreased revenue.

Our upcoming program will offer 20 participants access to an accountability team, mentors with experience in the team’s industry, and team coaches. Imagine what a team of professionals dedicated to the success and growth of your business could help you achieve in 2015!

We are still encouraging more women to apply. If you are interested in participating or would like to refer someone, please let us know by clicking on the link below.  Please share this opportunity with your friends, networks and associations.