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entrepreneurship Tag

Ithaca’s Startup Economy

On June 27th, Rev: Ithaca Startup Works hosted a summit to examine the current state of Ithaca’s startup economy and discuss potential future growth and challenges. Tom Schryver, executive director of Cornell’s Center for Regional Economic Advancement, kicked-off the event with...

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Rev Member Orthofit Awarded $100K in Funding for Expansion

Rev: Ithaca Startup Works’ member Orthofit received $100K in funding as 2018 recipients of the Technology Commercialization Growth Fund sponsored by CenterState CEO and Empire State Development. Orthofit produces a specially-designed monitoring glove that collects data on employees’ risks of...

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Hardware Accelerator Week 5

Teams have almost reached the halfway point of Rev: Ithaca Startup Work’s 11-week Hardware Accelerator and are diving into Sprint 2: “Proof of Concept.” During this sprint, teams will start to build their prototypes using feedback from the target market...

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Hardware Accelerator Week 4

Teams completed the first sprint of Rev: Ithaca Startup Work's Hardware Accelerator during week four of the 11-week summer program. During Sprint 1: "Feasibility," teams focused on identifying their target markets, understanding the challenges that members of their market faced,...

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Hardware Accelerator Week 3

As Rev: Ithaca Startup Work's Hardware Accelerator wraps up week three of the 11-week summer program, teams are over halfway through Sprint 1: "Feasibility." The teams were challenged this week to identify and contact early adopters of their products and...

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Head+Heal, New York Hemp Oil Co-founders

Rev welcomes new member New York Hemp Oil

Rev: Ithaca Startup Works welcomes new member New York Hemp Oil, owned and operated by Allan Gandelman, president, and Karli Miller-Hornick, CEO. New York Hemp Oil is currently licensed to grow and process hemp for CBD oil in New York...

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