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Rev Member GiveGab Hosts Fifth Annual Giving Is Gorges

GiveGab Team at a table for Giving is Gorges

Rev Member GiveGab Hosts Fifth Annual Giving Is Gorges

On June 12, Rev member GiveGab hosted the fifth annual “Giving is Gorges,” an event centered around raising funds for Tompkins County and its various non-profit organizations. This year, the event raised a total of $157,167.26, most of which was given through GiveGab’s online platform. 

This was the second year that GiveGab hosted the day. Project manager, Verdie Culbreath says the event “…is important to GiveGab because it is one of the ways that we ‘walk the walk’ and help nonprofits in our own community be as successful as possible.” 

GiveGab team at Giving is Gorges

From a business standpoint, the event has helped GiveGab understand the needs, concerns, and current resources nonprofit organizations in the community have. Giving is Gorges gave the nonprofit platform first-hand knowledge and experience that they can use to better understand how they can help other nonprofits in the community. 

“For several years we have noticed a decline in giving during Giving is Gorges. One thing I thought about when building the project was how to combat donor fatigue,” says Culbreath. In order to do this, GiveGab pushed to gain support from small businesses in the community. By focusing on creating a “live, in-person” presence, the GiveGab team was able to assist in producing impressive results for the giving day. 

Charlie Mulligan, CEO of GiveGab believes the support of nonprofit organizations is critical to the growth of a community. 

“We are excited to continue to support Giving Is Gorges. It is great to see the tremendous support people continue to give to local nonprofits throughout the area,” says Mulligan, “These nonprofits are critically important to our community and GiveGab is grateful for the opportunity to contribute.”