Give the Gift of Literacy: Support Children’s Reading Connection
Earlier this month, Children’s Reading Connection (CRC) launched a new initiative aimed at improving literacy in Tompkins County.
In the Read. Sing. Love. Books! initiative’s first phase, CRC provided a set of six picture books from its Sing Me a Story! Read Me a Song! series to 200 children, including every pre-K child in the Ithaca City School District and the Downtown Ithaca Children’s Center, and to all of the public libraries in Tompkins County.
CRC also launched a fundraising campaign to provide all pre-K and Head Start children in the county with the same set of books, for which Visions Federal Credit Union announced a $10,000 match challenge in addition to funds it already donated to the new initiative. The Visions match challenge continues through Dec. 31; however, CRC is hoping to meet its fundraising goal before the holidays in order to provide the book sets as gifts for children.
Those interested in donating to help CRC meet its fundraising goal, should donate to the match challenge by Dec. 31. Read more about the literacy initiative in the Tompkins Weekly.