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Five participants in Rev's Prototyping and ClimateTech Prototyping programs sit around a table while another person stands and leads a talk.

Meet the 2021 Prototyping and ClimateTech Prototyping Cohorts

Rev welcomed two new cohorts of startups to the 2021 Prototyping and ClimateTech Prototyping Hardware Accelerator programs. Both accelerators are 10-week summer programs focused on assisting participants with determining if their product ideas are commercially desirable, technologically viable, and economically...

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Two students examine the prototype of a light box at Rev.

Rother Talks Climate Tech with the Ithaca Times

Ken Rother, director of Rev: Ithaca Startup Works and its hardware programming, recently discussed Rev's ClimateTech Prototyping Hardware Accelerator with the Ithaca Times. According to Rother, the program will help facilitate the expansion of clean energy startups by introducing entrepreneurs...

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A person wearing safety goggles and a blue Rev tee shirt sodders a piece of hardware.

Hardware Product Accelerator Focuses on Climate Tech Solutions

Rev: Ithaca Startup Works is pleased to announce the launch of the ClimateTech Prototyping Hardware Accelerator, supported by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) through its Accelerate Southern Tier program announced in early April, which will...

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An Iterate Labs wearable shown on a person's wrist.

Iterate Labs Secures $1 Million in Seed Funding

Iterate Labs, a startup with Cornell beginnings that uses wearable sensors and computer vision to drive factory production and worker safety, has obtained $1 million in seed funding to support the company’s growth. The funding award was led by Monozukuri Ventures,...

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Ilayda Samilgil and Rob Shepherd, co-founders of Organic Robotics Corporation sit at a demo booth showcasing their Light Lace innovation.

Startup Wins NFL Innovation Competition

As millions of football fans eagerly await this year’s Super Bowl, two Cornellians have already scored a victory in another competition hosted by the National Football League. Organic Robotics Corporation, a Cornell startup founded in 2018 and Rev Prototyping Hardware Accelerator alumni...

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