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Nathan Oakes and Hailey Scofield of Combplex pose next to beehives at Wegmans Organic Farm.

Combplex Wins $500K in 76West Clean Energy Competition

The latest achievement by a Cornellian-led startup and Rev: Ithaca Startup Works member dedicated to protecting honeybees – a $500,000 runner-up prize at the fifth annual 76West Clean Energy Competition – is creating quite the buzz in New York’s Southern Tier. Combplex, founded...

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Marty Walters of RealStraws threshes wheat in the background with what stalks in the foreground.

RealStraws Producing a PPE Solution to Protect Diners

RealStraws LLC, part of the 2020 cohort of Rev’s Prototype-to-Production Hardware Accelerator, produces 100% biodegradeable, gluten-free, wheat-based drinking straws to replace the use of plastic drinking straws that harm the environment. Unlike paper-based straws, the startup’s wheat-based straws hold up...

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Stock of hardware product manufacturing plant

New Rev Program Helps Startups Overcome the Valley of Death

The valley of death—or the point at which startups stall out on their journeys to success—is a massive obstacle for entrepreneurs making physical or hardware products, particularly when they make the jump to manufacturing their product and producing units on...

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