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Mentors & Team

Rev is operated by the staff of the Cornell Center for Regional Economic Advancement. Our mentors, speakers, and functional and program specialists have years of experience in entrepreneurship education and economic development, and are committed to serving the region’s startup community.

Staff headshots are available for download here.

Entrepreneurs in Residence & Program Staff

Entrepreneurs in Residence

Brian Bauer headshot

Brian Bauer
Entrepreneur in Residence

Vladmir Baranov Headshot

Vladimir Baranov
Entrepreneur in Residence

Ed Bizari Headshot

Ed Bizari
Entrepreneur in Residence

illa burbank headshot

Illa Burbank
Entrepreneur in Residence

Amy Cheney Headshot

Amy Cheney
Entrepreneur in Residence

Barak Cohen

Barak Cohen
Entrepreneur in Residence

Nate Cook

Nate Cook
Entrepreneur in Residence

Doug Dresslaer

Doug Dresslaer
Entrepreneur in Residence

Julie Eagle Headshot

Julie Eagle
Entrepreneur in Residence

susan fleming headshot

Susan Fleming
Entrepreneur in Residence

alex hagen headshot

Alex Hagen
Entrepreneur in Residence

Li Jiang Headshot

Li Jiang
Entrepreneur in Residence

Image of Nancy Kirby standing infront of a calm lake.

Nancy Kirby
Entrepreneur in Residence

Elisa Miller-Out Headshot

Elisa Miller-Out
Entrepreneur in Residence

Headshot of Melanie Neumann wearing a black blazer.

Melanie Neumann
Entrepreneur in Residence

Caitlin Purrucci Headshot

Caitlin Parrucci
Entrepreneur in Residence

Aaron Proujansky Headshot

Aaron Proujansky
Entrepreneur in Residence

greg ray headshot

Gregory Ray
Entrepreneur in Residence

Gene Rendino

Gene Rendino
Entrepreneur in Residence


Heather Sandford
Entrepreneur in Residence

Steve Sauer

Stephen Sauer
Entrepreneur in Residence


Justin Smithline
Entrepreneur in Residence

John Tauzel _Headshot

John Tauzel
Entrepreneur in Residence


Bennett Thomas
Entrepreneur in Residence


Brad Treat
Entrepreneur in Residence

Stephanie Wisner_Resized for Webpages

Stephanie Wisner
Entrepreneur in Residence

Brandon Wright Headshot

Brandon Wright
Entrepreneur in Residence

Program Staff

Ken-Rother_04 (1)

Ken Rother
Director of Rev,
Entrepreneur in Residence

deanna kocher headshot

Deanna Kocher
Associate Director of Hardware Programs

pepper 300x300

Chief Canine Officer

Image of Katharine Downey. White female wearing a turquoise cardigan.

Katharine Downey
Marketing and Communications Coordinator

Lindsey Gigliello

Lindsey Gigliello

Product Development Engineer

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